What I’m Reading

Hello, dear readers, from the other side of Christmas.  The side with New Year’s on the horizon.  Which means goals.

steak and arugula sandwich

I am awesome at setting them.

gratin dishes

I am not nearly as awesome at achieving them.

sarah dessen

But something feels different about this year.

boddington books

Whitney English is, first of all, the maven behind the Day Designer, which will be whipping my butt into shape in 2014.  But she is also a blogger whose posts I look forward to more than most.  #3, guys.  #3.  Also that last sentence of #4.  Is your life in alignment with the outcome you desire?  #realtalk

I’ve been in the market for a return address stamp for quite some time now, and I think I finally found my dream design.  Which led me to the Mumaus’ blog, where I learned about 60 days of letter writing.  I think I’m in.  And I think I better order that stamp, pronto.  Here’s a post on prepping for your 60 days.

Do you know about One Little Word?  Ali Edwards started this little thing that grew into a big thing.  Elise is way into it too.  Basically, you pick one word that will stay with you through the year, and see what happens.  I’ve picked a word since 2010.  I wrote about my word in 2011.  I’ve never done anything too big with my words.  But again, I’m feeling fresh this year.  My word is celebrate and can we just get started already?  I have big plans.  (See above.)

Here’s a resolution that you might be able to keep.  Lemon water before breakfast.  Before anything, actually.  I love lemon water.  I could get into this.

While home between Christmas and New Year’s, I was able to cut out all the constant babbling that takes place in my head and read.  Books!  Not the most thought-provoking fare, but I had to start somewhere.  I want to keep that mindset as I head into 2014.  Here are 10 Unconventional Habits to Live Distractionless that I hope will help.

And for total kicks and nothing else, check out the hipster baby name generator.  Too bad hipsters probably won’t be a thing whenever I start having children, or my friends and family could be embroidering Pefferman Payen on everything right now.

*That sandwich up above is more or less this sandwich.

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  1. Pingback: One Little Word | a glass of milk

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