Springing Forward

I’ve been in a rut in the kitchen over the past week or so, and I need a jump start to keep things fresh. Thankfully, spring has sprung (Is there another season with as many puns as spring?  I almost titled this post “Spring is in the Air” and then I realized that might make you sick.) and I’m in the mood for a new crop of recipes.  I’m bidding adieu to the hearty roasts and stews of winter, and ushering in some lighter fare.

Translation:  Goodbye Lava Fudge, hello Lemon Blossom!

What I’ve flagged for spring are salads, sandwiches and fruity drinks galore.  Let me take you through my perfect spring day:

It begins with Smitten Kitchen’s Lemon Ricotta Pancakes with Sauteed Apples.  These look slightly more involved than our usual brunch pancakes, but they sound so heavenly, I’m willing to put in the extra effort.

I think Giada’s Peanut Butter Granola Bars would make a good snack.  Does anyone else get hungry again a mere minutes after breakfast?

Deb’s Pearl Couscous is looking pretty good too.  Paired with a hunk of crusty bread, it could be an ideal lunch.

Sangria!  Now that fresh air is streaming through our screens I’m ready to have some friends over for one of my favorite libations.

And for dinner?  Big Girls, Small Kitchen’s Panini.  I really don’t need a huge meal at the end of the day.  It only takes away from the room I like to save for dessert.  Besides, our panini maker is the one kitchen contribution my husband made to life together and I’ve never used it.  Arugula pesto sounds like the perfect excuse.

And I am always itching to walk to our local ice cream place when the weather turns nice (ice cream might be my biggest weakness).  I think this time around I’ll make my own and pair it with Joy the Baker’s Mocha Hot Fudge Sauce for dessert.

Look for these in the weeks ahead.

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