What Do You Do All Day? [Week in the Life, Wednesday]

That’s the proverbial question stay at home moms get asked all the time, right? So. What do you DO all day? Perhaps it’s more of an urban mom legend because I’ve never been asked. But I’ve also given it serious thought, and I honestly have no idea. What do I do all day? A lot of nothing and and a little bit of everything. But if you asked me and expected me to give you a coherent answer I don’t know that I could.Β  I’m loving this year’s Week in the Life project because my answer is becoming more clear. And I don’t have to tell you anything, you can just come on over to the blog and see for yourself.

Here’s what Wednesday looked like.


This morning I walked this sidewalk, which I used to walk every day. Now it’s a once in a while kind of thing.


This morning we dropped off the fourth Harry Potter book on CD, which we finished about a month ago. We’ve been listening in the car.


This morning, we toured the recycling bins before we left school.


This morning, your jammies stayed on a little longer, and you knocked stuff off of tall towers (this is typical).


This morning we snuggled while you woke up from your nap.


This morning we didn’t make it to early story time, so we waited for the later one.


This afternoon you picked at some Chex, raspberries, and cheese, and I ate leftover chicken stew for lunch.

IMG_0390This afternoon, you took a nap, and I finally found this missing toy!

IMG_0393This afternoon, I gave you little instructions, at CVS. “Hold the pens, please,” “Pick up my wallet,” and you followed them. VICTORY DANCE!


This afternoon, Wooden Nickels arrived, and found us sorting through the recycling bins like always.


This afternoon you went crazy, showing off for her.


This evening, I left to tutor for an hour.


This evening, you threw a fit after I said goodbye, but 5 minutes of Sesame Street did the trick.


This evening, Dad gave you dinner, and you ate half of what was in the fridge. Then you got a bath and it was time for bed.


This evening, the three grown ups had spaghetti pie. Wooden Nickels called an early bedtime, my husband went up to iron and watch hockey, and I finally, finally caught up on the 100th episode of Scandal. (And kept reading this book. I don’t know why I’m still reading this book.)

Why so many photos in one day? It’s Week in the Life! Stay tuned for more shots from my week.

Questions? Ali invented it.

Past Weeks in my life? 2016//2015//Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2011 (!!!!!)


3 thoughts on “What Do You Do All Day? [Week in the Life, Wednesday]

  1. Love a week in your life, love this entry on a day in your life, love you! 😘

    Sent from my iPhone, so typos are most likely Siri’s fault.


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