[Week in the Life, Thursday]

To-do lists are my thing, and right now, sitting pretty at the top of mine is: schedule hair appointment, schedule pedicure. Those two items have been there for way, way too long. But do you know why I haven’t done them yet? Because the weather is good, and we’ve got people to see. I have to work every single day to prioritize what really matters. Connections with other people are the most important. Fresh toenail color can wait. Makes it all the more relaxing when that pedicure finally happens, anyway.


It’s always funny to see what little toys he picks up off the floor. Today was sunglasses, Grover, and the Little People zookeeper.


Gooplet and Wooden Nickels. He took a big interest in our coffee and she told him, “You don’t need coffee, you have enough energy.”


On Thursdays the recycling bins come out. Thanks for putting them out early today, across-the-street neighbor.


Singing and snuggling before naptime.


This kid is very hit or miss when it comes to music class. Sometimes he naps through the start time and we don’t go. Sometimes he clings to me the whole time because he’s not feeling it. And sometimes he’s transfixed and stares in wonder at the musicians. Today was one of those days.


Wandered off and played by himself for a little bit before naptime. Total win.


Stories before nap 2.


Did a little bit of work (read the session papers) at the start of naptime, but then I went out to read on the porch. I’ve been out the past two nights, and was out again Thursday evening, so sometimes you just have to make it happen at other times.


And sometimes you’ve gotta plunk your kid on the bed so you can get changed for a walk.


I love our neighborhood. Being able to text friends and ask, “Are you guys out on the playground?” is something I hope I don’t ever take for granted.


That one in red is Gooplet’s role model. They adore each other.


Circling the block to see more recycling bins. He babbles and reaches out for them.


I taught him how to blow on dandelions, and now he points to them until I pull them.


The third Thursday of the month means a session meeting at church at night. And someone else is in charge of dinner!


My leaving in the evenings often produces quite the scene with Gooplet, so, oh look! More bins to make him happy. Bet you didn’t know you were signing on to see so many people’s discarded belongings on the blog today.


Empanadas and church work. Not pictured: the best plantain chips I’ve ever had.

Why so many photos in one day? It’s Week in the Life! Stay tuned for more shots from my week.

Questions? Ali invented it.

Past Weeks in my life? 2016//2015//Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2011 (!!!!!)

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